
by SpeakOutWithYourGeekOut.com

How to Improve Web Performance and Speed With Load Testing

Load testing is a term that is often utilized in many different ways in the community of software testing. It generally refers to practices of modeling expected utilization of software programs by emulating multiple users who concurrently access the program. As such, this particular instance of testing is the most pertinent for systems that are comprised of multi-users, and of which one is designed by using a server/client model, such as servers on the web. Other types of software systems are also capable of undergoing load testing. A graphics editor or word processor can be required to analyze documents that are very large; or financial packages that can be required to generate reports that are built on data that has been compiled for several years. Load testing that is most precise results in simulating actual usage, as opposed to analyzing and testing using methods of analytical or theoretical modeling.

Load testing enables a website owner to measure the QOS performance of their website that is derived from actual behavior of customers. Approximately all tools of frame-works and load testing follows paradigms of classical load testing. When customers visit their websites, script recorders record communications and created interaction scripts that are related to one another. Load generators attempt to replay scripts that undergo recording, which can possibly be subject to modification with different parameters of testing before being replayed. In the procedures of being replayed, both the statistics of software and hardware are going to be collected and monitored by the respective conductive. These particular instances of stats involve the disk IO of physical servers and their response times, memory, CPU, and the throughput of the SUT, which is an acronym for System Under Test, and etc. All of these stats are analyzed and generated through load testing reports with tools such as LoadRunner, LoadView and the free tool HTTPerf.

Performance and load testing will analyze the software that is intended for audiences of multi-users by subjecting the programs of software to different numbers of live and virtual users while monitoring measurements of performances under the different loads. Performance and load testing is typically conducted in an environment of testing that is similar to the environment of production prior to the software system being permitted to go into a mode of being live.

A website that offers capabilities of utilizing a a “shopping cart” will be required to support 100 users concurrently by breaking them out into these following activities:

-25 Virtual Users logging in, browsing through items and logging off.

-25 virtual users logging in, adding items to shopping carts, checking out and logging off.

– Virtual users logging in and returning items that were purchased previously and logging off.

– 25 virtual users that access by logging in without any subsequent instances of activities.

An analyst of tests can utilize various tools of load testing to produce these VUsers and their respective activities. Once the tests have begun and reached states of steadiness, the applications are tested at the load of 100 virtual users as described.

by SpeakOutWithYourGeekOut.com
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An Introduction to Email Servers

Almost everyone who uses the internet on any kind of basis, whether frequent or infrequent, understands how emails work, in a general way. The one thing most people do not understand, however, is how the email servers actually operate. Most people have a little inkling but would likely be surprised at all the steps entailed. Here we will not be covering ALL the steps and concepts involved with email transmission through servers, but will, instead stick to their basic functions and processes.

So long as you have client whom can receive emails and a server for them to pass through at the other end you are ready to send and receive mail. A server is a internet software program or hard world device used for bother storage and transmission and reception of information. A internet server will “listen” to a certain number of designated ports, transmission spots, and react accordingly. Once a person or program attaches itself to the port the server will activate.

The simplest of all email servers would go a little something like this: Through the ports the server has created a listing of everyone’s email whom uses it. Let us say that there are only two people whom use it John@Smith.com and Billy@Bob.com. It would have a specific text file created for each different account which would allow it to identify those individuals when they are sending and receiving emails. The text file would be along the lines of JOHNSMITH.TXT and BILLYBOB.TXT. Let use say that Smith wishes to send a message to Bob and composes one (“Still up for that boxing match?”). Once the text files have been established and John has written and sent his message, the email client will send the file through to the server which will in turn send the email to the receiver (Bob), along with the name of the sender and the text of the message.

This is just the basic formatting for such a process and in the real world this scenario is never this simple. The reason for this is that there are a lot of other factors and variables which need to be taken into consideration, such as time and data, or video compression and reading if one is attached. However, generally speaking, it is a relatively simple process.

by SpeakOutWithYourGeekOut.com
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IMAP vs POP explained

Why settle for the predefined system that your browser’s configuration has, when you can determine how your email is transported? Many people have chosen between POP and IMAP while there are still many others who are unaware that they can take control of their emails the way they want to. The Post Office Protocol (POP) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) support multiple workflows that allow you to choose the best way to interact with email.
About POP3- Pros
With the Post Office Protocol (POP) your inbox operates like a post office. An email that is sent to you, arrives in your box, yet is not hoarded on any server. You can have your email on whichever device you choose. If or when you decide, the email can then be saved on your server. Any email you receive will always be stored locally, regardless if you are offline. When looking at different hosting companies such as Bluehost vs GoDaddy hosting, there are different ways that these hosts handle IMAP and POP email services, so this is something that’s important to consider. If you’re interested in learning more about the difference between hosts and how they deal with email, you can read more information here.
While POP has these great offerings, it also has its cons. You could lose all your mail if you have computer issues. This is due to the fact that the emails are not stored on your server because it wasn’t configured to do so. The best bet is to store the emails on the server, especially since they take up very little space. The advantage of local storage however, is always having your emails handy.
About IMAP – Pros
With Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) your email is accessible from any device that uses the internet. Your email stays on the server are privy to vital information about all the emails in your inbox. Whenever you download the email, it will only be temporary and will not be stored on whatever device you are using at the time. Once there’s internet, you have access to your email.


The con however is that accessing your emails will be a pain if the internet is slow or working on and off. You are able to grab a couple weeks worth of emails for local storage, but not attachments or images. Searching through your older messages may prove difficult without the internet. Sometimes you may want to consider monitoring an email provider for reliability too, using a service like Dot-Com Monitor or a free provider such as one on this list.
Time to Choose
However you choose to interact, keep in mind you can switch anytime. POP is ideal if you often check your emails that have attachments. This will ensure that your information is always accessible. On the other hand, IMAP is suitable if you’re frequently using broadband or LTE network and multiple devices.

by SpeakOutWithYourGeekOut.com
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Microsoft Exchange Servers – Basic Premises


Many people whom have worked in or around businesses that have to deal with large quantities of information in regards to the internet have likely already heard of Microsoft Exchange. But for those that have not, here is the basic premise: Microsoft Exchange is a calendering, information managing and e-mail server software program developed by, who else, Microsoft. It’s primary functions are quite varied and it’s secondary and teriary functions, even more so. But, in brief, it acts as a relay point for your emails, this is the most common use for the program and the reason for it’s name – Exchange.

Microsoft Exchange can also act as a backup relay storage point which will, in the event of a power outage or server malfunction, keep all your email safe and secure and ensure that you are still able to both send and receive mail online. This function makes it tremendously powerful to businesses whom have to deal with heavy incoming and outgoing mail traffic, as it lightens the load on company servers and protects their information from corruption.

Ancillary features of the program include things like, a built in, calender that can be shared to anyone in your email chain, virus and male-ware filter protection systems, 16 GB storage sized database and various ID and spam/junk filters. Unified Messaging, another feature of Exchange, and a relatively new one, allows a individual to codify all their informational outputs into their mailbox. Unified Messaging let’s a individual receive voice mail, e-mail as well as faxes – in addition, it will also allow the person to access these feature on their phone or mobile device provide it is compatible with the software program.

New models of Microsoft Exchange also feature a new and improve administrative center online, referred to for convenience as EAC (Exchange Administrative Center). New models also feature enhanced data loss prevention methods that are all based around the regulatory PII and PCI standards for data loss prevention policies. Microsoft Exchange is a hosted service and can be bought from a number of different and similar providers. It is a licensed program so one will need the appropriate license to be able to use it. One final thought when it comes to Exchange is the idea of monitoring and whether or not it’s important. If you have Exchange server monitoring in place, you can be notified if something happens where one of your servers goes down and people aren’t able to access their email.

by SpeakOutWithYourGeekOut.com
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Setting Up a Microsoft Exchange Server – Details and Considerations

When you set up a Microsoft Exchange server there are many preliminary steps to go through. All of the prerequisites for the company must be thought out in advance prior to installing this feature. All if the needed hardware and software must be installed on the computer that will be the installation computer. If this doesn’t happen The Microsoft Exchange may not install correctly, even after you take care of all the prerequisites after you install Microsoft Exchange.

Before installation, the computer needs to be joined to an appropriate Active directory and forest and domain so that the software will install right. All of the latest Windows updates should also be installed on the computer first.

The computer must have at least eight Gigabytes of ram for this program to work properly. The Drive itself must be thirty Gigabytes. A Windows server of 2012 R2 is best prior to installing the Microsoft exchange; Also Outlook should be installed on the computer. Also the Microsoft.Net Framework 4,5 needs to be there too.
Every window has its own schematics for what is needed to install this Microsoft Exchange 2013.
This Microsoft Exchange 2013 will bring the company’s workforce together. It will make it easier to find people by merging their contacts and providing a single view of a person. This software will help get information from multiple locations and link it together.
Microsoft Exchange 2013 has your business delivered to you whether you are on your pc, laptop or smart phone. With any of these and Microsoft exchange you can stay connected. It affords you and your company reliability while reducing complex programs.
It protects all confidential information. This program has features, which helps it to recover from failures automatically.
Everything that a company needs to manage their company is incorporated in this Microsoft Exchange software.
You can get more done because you are in control always of all your data, whether it’s retention policies, sensitive data, large mailboxes. Whatever your priority, Microsoft exchange has it covered. Keep in mind though that the monitoring of an Exchange server is something entirely different once you have it up and running.
Give this extraordinary program a try. See how much your productivity can improve by helping your employees to become more efficient and assist them with their daily work.